
IOSystem.extension_fullmatch(find_all=None, extensions=None, **kwargs)

Get a dict of extension index dicts with full match of a search pattern.

This calls the extension.fullmatch for all extensions.

Similar to pandas str.fullmatch, thus the start of the index string must match.


Arguments are set to case=True, flags=0, na=False, regex=True. For case insensitive matching, use (?i) at the beginning of the pattern.

See the pandas/ documentation for more details.

  • find_all (None or str) – If str (regex pattern) search in all index levels. All matching rows are returned. The remaining kwargs are ignored.

  • extensions (str, list of str, list of extensions, None) – Which extensions to consider, default (None): all extensions

  • kwargs (dict) – The regex which should be contained. The keys are the index names, the values are the regex. If the entry is not in index name, it is ignored silently.


A dict with the extension names as keys and an Index/MultiIndex of the matched rows as values

Return type
