
IOSystem.contains(find_all=None, **kwargs)

Check if index of the system contains the regex pattern

Similar to pandas str.contains, thus the index string must contain the regex pattern. Uses ioutil.index_contains

The index levels need to be named ( needs to be set for all levels).


Arguments are set to case=True, flags=0, na=False, regex=True. For case insensitive matching, use (?i) at the beginning of the pattern.

See the pandas/ documentation for more details.

  • find_all (None or str) – If str (regex pattern) search in all index levels. All matching rows are returned. The remaining kwargs are ignored.

  • kwargs (dict) – The regex which should be contained. The keys are the index names, the values are the regex. If the entry is not in index name, it is ignored silently.


The matched rows/index

Return type

pd.Index or pd.MultiIndex