
pymrio.parse_exiobase2(path, charact=True, popvector='exio2')

Parse the exiobase 2.2.2 source files for the IOSystem

The function parse product by product and industry by industry source file in the coefficient form (A and S).

Filenames are hardcoded in the parser - for any other function the code has to be adopted. Check git comments to find older verions.

  • path (string) – Path to the EXIOBASE source files
  • charact (string or boolean, optional) – Filename with path to the characterisation matrices for the extensions (xls). This is provided together with the EXIOBASE system and given as a xls file. The four sheets Q_factorinputs, Q_emission, Q_materials and Q_resources are read and used to generate one new extensions with the impacts. If set to True, the characterisation file found in path is used ( can be in the zip or extracted). If a string, it is assumed that it points to valid characterisation file. If False or None, no characterisation file will be used.
  • popvector (string or pd.DataFrame, optional) – The population vector for the countries. This can be given as pd.DataFrame(index = population, columns = countrynames) or, (default) will be taken from the pymrio module. If popvector = None no population data will be passed to the IOSystem.

A IOSystem with the parsed exiobase 2 data

Return type:



ParserError – If the exiobase source files are not complete in the given path